The main difference is that there will be a double-page instead of a single page home screen, which will allow you to view more information without having to click away from the homepage, a bit like Tweetdeck or Hootsuite but less complex. This is how Twitter puts it:
"On the site, you’ll see the familiar timeline, yet underneath each Tweet is a handful of information, deeper context and even embedded media. Simply click on an individual Tweet and a details pane slides out on the right and reveals this content"(Aside, I feel I ought to give an old friend a mention; the new Twitter also means it's time to say goodbye to the fail whale)
I think I am most excited about being able to view multimedia more easily and view profiles without leaving the homepage (Usually I painstakingly right click and 'new tab' to avoid losing my page). My only concern is that the new Twitter won't be available on my Blackberry app. It probably wouldn't be practical anyway. Life goes on.
I lied. I am actually most excited about the first ever Twitter advertisement to promote the new Twitter. Impressively, this video gained over a million views on its first day on YouTube. I can understand why. It's the happiest video ever and I want to watch it over and over and over...
Hi Beth - really enjoy your blog. I think the new Twitter is absolutely ace! Great to be able to preview profiles, watch videos and look at photos all on the same page as your feed. One problem I have always had with Twitter is how it functions and how often I incorrectly spell usernames so they go to pages that don't exist. Now they drop down (similar to FB). Anyway - rant finished. The new Twitter is fab. Enjoy when you get it! Mel